Online groups for experiments in economics

ESA maintains two groups/email lists, ESA Announcements and ESA Experimental Methods Discussion.  These groups are free for anyone to join; you do not have to be a currently paid ESA member to access or post to these groups.

Messages to ESA Announcements provide information on conferences, workshops, special issues of journals, job openings, PhD student openings and funding opportunities, and other similar content.  Official announcements from the ESA are also posted to this group.  You can send a post to this group using the email address esa-announce (at) googlegroups (dot) com.

Messages to ESA Experimental Methods Discussion are for more open-ended discussions, questions, and answers pertaining to experiments.  Questions seeking help for literature reviews are welcomed; however, we ask by convention that in doing so you (a) include a list of relevant papers for your question that you've already found, and (b) promise to post an updated list to the group once you've completed your review.  You can send a post to this group using the email address esa-discuss (at) googlegroups (dot) com.

In both groups, messages should have some clear link to work involving experiments, broadly construed.  Both groups are low-traffic.

Both groups are moderated by the ESA Vice President for Information.  Moderation is primarily done to filter out spam, mass-emailed untargeted messages, and the occasional message intended privately for an individual but sent to the group by accident. The moderation process does mean that messages may be delayed up to a day or so during the week, or over the weekend.