
Permanent committees

Election Committee 

Solicits and ranks nominees; presents a proposed list and ranking to the Executive Committee; contacts candidates after EC input and approval of the final list.

  • Marie-Claire Villeval, Chair
  • Chloe Tergiman
  • Maros Servatka
  • Tracy Liu
  • Ted Turocy (ex-officio consultant as Vice President for Information)

Conference Committee

Selects organizers of future ESA events; selects ESA sessions at the ASSA meetings; allocates a budget for supporting meetings of the mentoring program and outreach workshops; actively promotes the organization of joint thematic sessions/events with other fields in economics.

  • Lata Gangadharan, President-Elect, Chair
  • James Murphy, Treasurer
  • Alessandra Cassar, Vice President, North America
  • Ben Greiner, Vice President, Europe
  • Erte Xiao, Vice President, Asia/Pacific

Data and Replicability Committee

Follows trends in the publication of experimental papers; promotes the replication of published experiments; favors the dissemination of information about replications.

  • Ben Greiner, Chair
  • Ted Turocy, Vice President for Information (ex officio)
  • Andrej Svorencik, Historian (ex officio)
  • Steven Tucker, Data Editor (ex officio)
  • Maros Servatka
  • Judd Kessler
  • Joel van de Weele

Profession Facing Committee (Outreach committee in academia)

Helps integrate experimental economics with growing parts of economics and other social sciences; thinks about how to increase membership and activities in underrepresented regions.

  • Monica Capra, Chair
  • Juan Camilo Cardenas
  • Friederike Mengel
  • Agnieszka Tymula

Awards and Fellows Committee

  • Alessandra Cassar
  • Tim Cason
  • Yan Chen
  • Ben Greiner
  • Erte Xiao

Ad hoc committees

Ethics committee

Develops and finalizes the ESA Ethical Guidelines.

  • Laura Razzolini, Chair (Ethics Officer)
  • Laura Gee
  • Pedro Rey Biel
  • Lata Gangadharan
  • Alessandra Cassar

Public Facing Committee (Outreach committee outside academia)

Reaches out to the public: increases our presence on social medias; develops an ESA podcast, reviews and curates interesting testimonials from the past along with cutting-edge materials and interviews; builds a list of interested ESA members in each country that could be contact points for journalists and communicating this information to media outlets; organizes the circulation of information/papers on how experimental methods in the lab and the field can inform public policy-making.

  • Andrea Robbett, Chair
  • Monica Capra
  • John List
  • Robert Slonim
  • Ted Turocy